El Dr. Guillermo MacLoughlin, director del TSC, es uno de los recipiendarios del premio Wallace Clare que, por primera vez, instituyó la Irish Genealogical Research Society, la decana de las entidades genealógicas irlandesas.

Es un reconocimiento a muchos años de investigación y divulgación en esta ciencia.

“Guillermo’s unique contribution to Irish genealogy lies in his long and influential position amongst people of Irish descent in Argentina and his involvement in Irish-Argentine relations. Argentina has one of the most proud and active Irish Diaspora in the world, where at least half a million Argentines have Irish ancestors. Guillermo is sixth generation Irish in Argentina. His father’s family is entirely of Irish descent and originates in Glascorn, five miles from Mullingar, in Co. Westmeath, and his mother’s family is a mix Irish and Spanish descent. He is a public accountant, an economist, a historian, but not least an expert genealogist and a long standing member of the IGRS who has lectured widely and whose research has appeared in many publications. Since 2009 Guillermo has held the position of director and editor-in-chief of The Southern Cross, an Argentinian newspaper founded in 1875, covering Irish current affairs, cultural and social matters, and issues of historic and genealogical interests. Guillermo’s association with The Southern Cross dates back to the mid-1970s when its then editor encouraged him to write local histories relating to the Irish community in Argentina. Guillermo has since gone on to map the story of the Irish in Argentina.”


Reconocimiento del Presidente de Irlanda, Michael D. Higgins, a nuestro Director

La Embajadora O’Halloran felicitó al Dr. MacLoughlin por la importante distinción recibida y adhirió a las felicitaciones del Presidente Higgins.